During this day-long retreat, Evolving Ground co-founder and teacher Charlie Awbery will introduce several contemporary Vajrayana practices
During this day-long retreat, Evolving Ground co-founder and teacher Charlie Awbery will introduce several contemporary Vajrayana practices.
Methods will include
* Opening Awareness meditation: a life-affirming silent meditation practice for finding perception through all of the senses
* Avalokitesvara yidam (deity) practice: an Anuyoga (unclogging energy) method involving an inspirational envisionment recitation and self-arising visualization practice
* Dzogchen Long-dé (the "Space series" of the Great Perfection): gentle, slow movements from the Sky Realm cycle of standing meditations
Some interactive methods from Evolving Ground's Liberating Shadow and Kaleidoscope of Interaction courses
This day of practice is open to practitioners of all levels.