empower, inspire, uplift one another further into integral balance and flow in support of the evolution of Self.
the energy we spend in caring for our physical bodies and our mental health is a dance. what our mind may need can be a physical practice, what our body may desire is mental rest, the pendulum swings and lands where it may.
we can find ourselves focused and committed to practices which once served us, discovering new ways to support our evolution along the way. our parts and Self may desire different support in different seasons. listening closely and trusting our discernment can present polarization.
what this container offers is space to reflect on the various practices which serve you, identify parts within us which crave such practices, find empathy and grace in safely choreographing a dance which all parts feel validated. meaning the mind, body, heart and parts feel safe as we support each in our day to day reality, keeping us in alignment in our integrity.
example - the following are practiced weekly to aide in the support of mind, body, parts including Self;
hot power vinyasa
physical touch/intimacy
deep connection with others via conscious conversation
these will look differently for each of us, our intentions can vary from daily, weekly, monthly etc. what we know is, receiving the support and having accountability from one another is a container that works.
we'll meet in person every other wednesday 7:30-8:30p (12/4, 12/18, 1/15, 1/29) with optional zoom support on opposing wednesdays 10-11a (12/11, 1/8, 1/22)
aligned accountability investment $88-$111 (includes all sessions) or $22/session drop-in
our intention is to best support ourselves in flow to clear habits and patterns which no longer serve us (this container is how we gave up alcohol 2 years ago)