
Alignment Clarity Masterclass, when you don’t know whether to stay or leave

Alignment Clarity Masterclass - when you don't know whether to stay or leave

The real reason your relationship is not getting better...

I know how exhausting it is to try and apply all the relationship tips and advice from well meaning friends, books, podcasts, counseling etc and you see no results. You have been hiding and suppressing parts of you, your needs and desires from your partner in order to keep the relationship together. Your voice is stifled, and you are in an emotional jail. You often tell yourself "This is what marriage is. I should be happy to have a partner". However, whenever you witness another couple that appear to be truly happy, it awakens the desires and shame (that you are lying to yourself about having the desires) you had buried deep inside. Some of you may not have even thought of what it means to be sexually satisfied.  

The reason why those relationship tips and advice is not working is because you are fixated to get a specific outcome (to save the relationship) without addressing the core alignment within yourself, as well as the alignment between you and your partner. 

Without addressing this, no amount of great relationship advice would truly help, and you will continue to feel frustration, resentment, and despair over your relationship. That's why I put together my upcoming FREE masterclass, Alignment Clarity, to help you get unstuck and start moving towards creating the intimate relationship you dream of. 

Alignment Clarity Masterclass is also for those who are frustrated and disappointed in their current relationship status, and know that there are parts of themselves that have not been fully explored nor expressed.  Join me inside the Alignment Clarity Masterclass by saving your seat, to attend live or watch the recording.

About the host: Mariko is a kink knowledgeable, poly knowledgeable coach certified in sex, love, relationship, tantric sex, conscious dating, and ethical BDSM and a sex positive community builder.