
Ancestor Banquet: Developing a Practice with Your Ancestors

  • Hosted by The Center SF
  • San Francisco, CA -

The quintessential ritual & workshop covering the what, when, where, why, and how to build a connection and practice with your Ancestors.

Join Ifa Doyin Tamika Marie Banks in a captivating ritual of connection and learning with the Ancestors. Discuss the who, what, when, where, why and how of relating with them and gain the tools to develop your own connective Ancestral practice that fits you. Receive Ancestral transmissions and downloads, while releasing your fears and learning many different tools to aid you in developing your practice. Take the workshop again to deepen your budding practice!

As a gifted Channeler, Ifa Doyin Tamika prefers to let Spirit lead the way when it comes to the direction of the ritual. That said, prepare to be seamlessly led through prayers, meditation, lecture, group discussion, vocalizations, and whatever Spirit has in mind for the day. The loose structure creates space for the magical to engage with us and allows for our Ancestors to be active participants in this co-creative event.

Price: $30 early-bird / $35 at the door

*Doors close at 7:20pm. Please arrive on time as we will not be able to let people in late once we begin*

Ifa Doyin Tamika Marie Banks has been a multifaceted Spiritual Coach, Consultant, Medium, Channel, Ritual Holder, Light and Shadow Worker, Ordained Minister, Teacher, and Performer for the past 28 years. She first began her journey with the Ancestors after her favorite uncle suddenly passed from a brain aneurysm in 2014. The months after his loss resulted in not only a profound grief and love portal but also a PATH towards bringing light to the parts of her lineage long stuck in Shadow. Her Ancestral heritage spans 26 regions across at least 31 modern day countries bringing a rich tapestry of cultural influences to her work. Her main focus is in cultivating as many “Well Ancestors” as possible during this lifetime and having fun in the process.


IG: @ancestorbanquet


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