
East Bay Community Dance w/Bonbon Spirit

  • Hosted by DJ DZ
  • Oakland, CA -

Dancers of the Bay Area,

This coming Tuesday, we are delighted to welcome for the first time to EBCD: Bonbon Spirit!

Bonbon Spirit (aka PJ Weinstein, formerly Baron von Spirit) is foremost a dancer at heart. Drawing on his own practice of ecstatic dance, 5Rhythms, Soul Motion, and contact improvisation for inspiration, he's a DJ, music remixer, and Event Producer in service to community.

He's known for his eclectic and wide-ranging musical taste, and even more so for bringing some of the latest cutting-edge Bass Music. He loves to mix electronic and organic beats, and depending upon the venue will play anything from angelic ambient to tribal crunk to uptempo electro. To each set he brings a rough palette of musical ideas—the final journey is created as a response to what he's feeling in communion with the field of dancers—​and always finds a way to integrate a few novel remixes of beloved classics.

Check him out :

Peter has DJ’d at 550+ ecstatic & conscious dances around the globe since 2010. He co-founded Ecstatic Dance Corvallis (OR), Ecstatic Dance Fairfax (CA), Amoeba Dance (OR), and has produced over two dozen Ecstatic Dance Immersion retreats at Breitenbush Hot Springs and Harbin Hot Springs.

This is an indoor dance event sponsored by EBCS and produced by Dan Zemelman (DJ DZ). East Bay Community Dance occurs every Tuesday from 7-9:30pm. All are welcome (vaxed or unvaxed)!

We simply ask that you respect our rules:

1) No talking on the dance floor

2) No shoes on the dance floor (medical reasons exempt)

3) Respect each others' boundaries and receive consent before engaging with others

Doors open at 7:00pm for warmup and the main set is from 7:30-9:30pm.

DJ lineup:

March 21: Bonbon Spirit

March 28: DJ DZ

April 4: Alia

April 11: Ra So

April 18: Izzy Wise

Tickets are $21 to $23 pre-sale (or cash/PayPal/Venmo at the door)

**There is limited capacity at EBCS, so we recommend that you get advance tickets!

We look forward to dancing with you!

Dan and David



· EBCD will continue.

We will hold East Bay Community Dance every Tuesday as long as conditions don’t worsen significantly and Alameda County doesn’t change its regulations and guidance.

· Events are Potentially Risky.

We believe everyone attending should be aware that large gatherings like EBCD are not without risk. Attendance is a choice. Mask-wearing is optional, but encouraged if it helps you to feel safer.

· Refunds

If you don't think you are going to be able to come, please don't buy a ticket! We don't offer refunds except in extreme circumstances. It is possible to sell your ticket on the Facebook event page.

· Stay Home if You’re Even Slightly Sick.

Please do not attend EBCD if you have any symptoms that could be related to Covid-19, including cough, runny nose, congestion, fever, chills, etc.

See more events in Oakland, CA