
Cacao Ceremony with Victoria Guarino

Align with the Rhythms of Nature through the Sacred Medicine of Cacao.

In contemporary times, as we seek to reconnect with the wisdom of our ancestors and Mother Earth, Cacao invites us to remember. For centuries, Cacao has been utilized in rituals all over Mesoamerica due to its ability to open the heart and expand consciousness. It also has a powerful capacity to connect us with the creative field and it opens our voice to express ourselves from a place of love. When sourced thoughtfully, prepared lovingly, and enjoyed with intention, Cacao becomes more than just a beverage; it transforms into a key that unlocks doors, becoming a conduit for clarity and in-sight.

What to Expect:

Ceremony is an art form that responds to what is arising and true in the present moment. The pillars that hold up the circle are gratitude, intention, and reciprocity.

-Upon entering, you will be cleansed with the smoke of Palo Santo.

-As we gather in circle, a unified field emerges, creating a potent catalyst for healing and deep, heart-centered connection.

-Following the invocation and an explanation of the Nahual of the day according to the Mayan Calendar, a personal intention is established in the silence of their heart or through shared words. This intention acts as a focal point that anchors the experience.

-Together, we will embark on a journey of song and sound. Various tools may be incorporated such as visualization, guided breathing, purifying plants and at times gentle, intuitive movement.

-There's room for expression or silent contemplation, as well as the freedom to recline and journey inward. This space warmly supports those seeking to connect with and harness the healing power of their voice.

*Victoria carries Cacao from Guatemala with deep respect acknowledgment for its ancient traditions and lineages. While the form and function of her ceremonies are different from indigenous traditions, the core tenets remain: gratitude, intention, and reciprocity

Please Note:

*If you are taking SSRI's or MAOI's medication or have severe heart disease, please talk to Victoria upon arrival. Cacao husk tea will be available for those who are sensitive to the Cacao bean.

*For the best experience, please do not eat prior to the ceremony or make sure you have digested beforehand.

*Drink plenty of water both before and after to stay hydrated. Bring a water bottle.

About Victoria:

Originally from South America, Victoria cultivated a profound connection with Cacao in the heart of the Peruvian Amazon, where she undertook a two-month 'dieta' with the bark of the Cacao tree. Driven by a profound calling, Victoria then ventured to Guatemala, where she became a student of a revered female spiritual guide from the Maya Tz'utujil lineage. Here, she dedicated herself to expanding her understanding of this medicine and the richness of the Maya Cosmovision.

Victoria weaves the wisdom of different traditions together, in the same way her ancestry is woven from different parts of the world. Her focus is creating nourishing spaces where others can connect with the elements and rhythms of nature, experience unity and be in sacred reciprocity with the natural world. Victoria is co-founder and steward of CASALMA, a non-profit organization currently raising funds to protect 564 acres of sacred land and create a sanctuary for the reweaving of humans & nature.

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