
Cuddle LAB w/CJ (Carmen) + Stella


*You must have attended at least 1 cuddle class.

*You must reserve your spot + purchase a ticket here



The purpose of cuddle lab is to get more cuddle time!

We'll set a safe container starting with body + breath, briefly review cuddle class guidelines, and dive right in to cuddle lab.

There will be no practice exercises.

This is for participants who have already attended at least 1 or more cuddle classes.

Come prepared to ask for what you want :)



Body + breath

Opening circle

Unstructured cuddle

Closing circle



Exchanging no-strings-attached platonic touch with a stranger reduces brain overwhelm within seconds and re-calibrates the body's fight-flight-freeze mechanism.

Substantial increase in person's creativity and well-being is often reported as the result.

*You must have attended at least 1 cuddle class.



👉 Super Early Bird ($42/class)

👉 Early Bird ($47/class)




Carmen Joseph (she/her) is a touch and pleasure advocate who has been in the cuddle community for several years. As a coach, she provides safe and non-shaming spaces to talk about sensuality, play and sex. She loves working with those who have worked on any trauma and are ready to take the next step towards owning their pleasure and sexuality with confidence. 

Stella Cheung (she/her) passionately brings like-minds together by facilitating events with the purpose of creating more authentic connection and meaningful dialogue. She has 20+years of teaching yoga, meditation, and shamanism, and is also trained in conflict resolution as a certified mediator. Her work lies at the intersection of somatics, spirituality, and social change. Read more about Stella here



Cuddle Sanctuary

Check out Cuddle Sanctuary's free webinar, "How to Lead Amazing Cuddle Events" here. And if you’d like to learn more about how to lead cuddle events, check out the Leadership Guide for Cuddle Events here

Bloom Community

Want to see who's going, match, chat, and meet the community? Check out Hug Haven Cuddle Class on the Bloom Community app here

Misfits in Love

A safe space for individuals who are curious, exploring, or transitioning into consensual/ethical non-monogamy, polyamory, and anything in between. More info here

SPLA (Sex Positive Los Angeles)

SPLA is a member/volunteer organization centered around understanding and exploring all aspects of human sexuality, consent, relationship styles, kink, gender, and orientation. More info here

See more events in Los Angeles, CA