
Demystifying Somatics: Devil Mask Studio Virtual Class

f.k.a. What the Fuck is Somatics?

“Somatics” has filtered from the therapeutic world to workouts, journals, and kink. But what is it? Who is it for? Should you care? Join us for an irreverent exploration of somatic practices for grounding, play, and resiliency.

We'll explore what our bodies know, what they don't, and ways to interface with them for play and delight in these chaotic, challenging times. Students will have the option to participate in several exercises. Dress for (low impact) motion is encouraged.

This workshop is based in the knowledge that our bodies are political - race, gender, and many other factors shape our experiences of living in and with our bodies. We'll touch on systemic oppression and conditional safety because somatic practices are not 'one size fits all.'

Prerequisites: curiosity & a body

Optional Supplies: one or more hanks of rope (at least 7m/20 ft long)

Pricing: sliding scale starting at $10

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