An all levels course with Midori!
When: Saturday, Aug 3rd, 2024 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM, Pacific Time
Where: Zoom, Online
Dominance and submission - does this intrigue you? But what exactly is this D/s thing? Let’s figure out some fundamentals so you can better seek and create D/s that’s right for you. This is an interactive, discussion centered class.
Students are invited to further expand their development with the Designing D/s 2: Defining the Structure class on Sunday!
Topics Discussed:
• Different types of D/s.
• D/s scenes vs D/s Relationships.
• Common pitfalls.
• Concepts to help clarifiy your vision.
• Map and express your values and desires.
No experience necessary. Open to all adults. Bring note-taking material.
This class will be recorded for viewing by ticket holders for one week after the class. After which the video will be available in Midori’s Patreon:
Midori (美登里)
Born and raised, Japan, then spending formative years in 90’s San Francisco safer sex and alt sex activists circles, Midori brings a multicultural and holistic approach to education and discussion of kink, BDSM, and consent, .
Dubbed the “Supernova of Kink” by Dan Savage, Midori emerged from the Sex Positive movement in San Francisco in the early 1990s as a grassroots activist educator to became a well regarded educator and thinker on BDSM sexuality, kink, consent, and sex ways in Japan and the US.
Midori founded Rope Dojo in 2003, ForteFemme Women’s Dominance Weekend Intensive in 2004, and Consent Dojo in 2020.
She is Co-director of Education for Kink Informed Certification through Sexual Health Alliance. She has served as advisor for many organizations and companies on matters of BDSM, kink, and consent. She has presented at many conferences, including kink conferences, mental health conferences, and internet security events.
Her teaching style and strength lay in her ability to deconstruct and distill complex matters of desire into accessible lessons with humor and humanity.
She known for her books “Wild Side Sex: The Book of Kink” and “The Seductive Art of Japanese Bondage”, the first English instruction book on Shibari. She contributed the chapter on BDSM and women of the Asian diaspora in “An Intersectional Approach to Sex Therapy: Centering the Lives of Indigenous, Racialized, and People of Color”, and has contributed to numerous articles, columns, works of fiction, and instructional books.
When she’s not traveling and teaching, she’s creating social practice art and performances. She’s a UC Berkeley graduate and served in the US Army.