
[FREE] The art of REPAIR

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Consent at Plura

This workshop is part of the Consent Skillz education program. Plura is partnering with key consent and educators to grow our community skillset. Read more on our Consent Hub []

This workshop is free to attend. You will find the recording of this in your in-app tickets within 24H of the workshop.

Event Description

Fulfilling relationships thrive on our ability to skillfully navigate conflict.

Mistakes, tough emotions, challenging conversations and misunderstandings are part of every meaningful relationship.

This webinar revolves around the transformative power of Dr. Hazel-Grace's revered 6-step REPAIR process. Discover the art of repairing conflicts, rebuilding trust, and reuniting in deeper intimacy.

We'll explore:

- Ways to say what you mean while being able to listen to the other from your heart

- How to ground yourself BEFORE going into REPAIR

- The 5 step PERMISSION frame to set up REPAIR conversations to win

- The most common reasons people can’t resolve conflicts

- 5 Actionable pathways for restoring trust and connection

You will walk away with skills that you can apply right away in your relationships!

Host Bio- Dr. Hazel-Grace

Dr. Hazel-Grace Yates (they/them): In their 13 years as a sex and relationship coach, Hazel-Grace discovered that many couples who wanted better sex were in fact blocked by unresolved emotional hurts. The quality of their communication was the real roadblock. The skills that helped the couples resolve and heal these communication gaps transformed their capacity for intimacy, in and out of the bedroom.

Their innovative, fun, and educational style of sex and intimacy coaching is born out of their deep commitment to creating a more compassionate, loving and safe world.

As an evolutionary educator, they bring a unique blend of professional know-how, playful curiosity, authentic communication and personal vulnerability to their practice.

Qualifications: Phd in Human Sexuality, Trauma-Informed Somatic Sex Educator, Certified Sex Coach, Sexological Bodywork Practitioner, Certified Circling Facilitator, Shadow EFT Practitioner in Training and a Queer Competency Certification. 

Want to learn more about this class?

Want to get ahead and learn about The REPAIR Process including a journaling exercise?

Watch this free 20-min video that outlines The REPAIR Process: