
Getting Started Class - Shibari Rope Bondage

  • Hosted by All Tied Up San Diego
  • San Diego, CA -
  • 10 people on the list-


"I miiiiight have learned more (concrete skills and strategies) in ONE night of the Getting Started class than in 11 years in the BDSM scene in Chicago." - Calypso

"Once it was over, I couldn't even begin to articulate to the instructors how incredible the 2-hour Getting Started class was for me... The safety-first wisdom shared by the instructors is both vital and life-changing, and it's coming from real people who make it their priority to 'get real' with you!! Seriously, sign up. You'll be better for it." -Album_Horses1975


Hi there!

Are you interested in learning about Shibari rope bondage?

Perhaps you are new to the idea of kinky things and wonder if rope might be something you would like.

Maybe your partner is wanting you to find something for the two of you to do together.

Well, whatever your reason is, you have come to this page, and you are reading about what this event is all about.

Mainly it is about the amazing possibilities that can come with incorporating rope into your relationship.

This class will cover many important aspects of getting started doing rope and many things that will apply at any kinky event and maybe even in your everyday life.

Dan and Renee teach from their experiences, both the good and the not-so-good, and help you to take your first steps with valuable tools in your toolbox.


Note: Dan and Renee also host the podcast, Vanilla with a side of Kink, which details their journey into the world of kink.


Doors open at 7:00 PM!  You need to be there no later than 7:10 PM to sign event waivers and have your Government Issued I.D. checked.

This is a lecture-only style class; you do not need rope or a partner for this event. We recommend that you bring a notepad and something to write with because Renee is going to share a LOT of information.

Plus Bonus Online Materials!

In addition to the in-depth instruction in the live class, you get more than 90 minutes of BONUS ONLINE MATERIALS!

  • Welcome to the Kinkdom
  • Types of Rope
  • Safety Shears
  • What to Bring to a Rope Event
  • Anatomy
  • How to Negotiate Touch
  • Rope Parts and Preparation
  • The Single Column Tie
  • Extending Rope
  • Bundling Rope
  • The Double Column Tie
  • The Arms-Free Chest Harness Tie and more . . .

This is a fun and engaging event that will leave you with answers to questions you didn't even know you had. And give you a perspective on the world of rope bondage and kink that is unique and helpful.

We look forward to meeting you!

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