
‘Inner Bliss’ SoundBath and Yin

  • San Francisco, CA -
  • 14 people on the list-

Join us for an extended 90-minute experience to unwind your mind & body into a joyful weekend. Indulge your senses to the luxurious experience of Yin with Hot Stones, Essential Oils, and Luminescent SoundBath. Make it a weekly ritual to clear your mind, release tension, and bask in the feeling of tranquility and calm.

Hot Stones Yin Yoga: You're led through a thoughtful and deeply relaxing flow of seated and reclined poses, each held for 3-10 minutes to alleviate tension and stiffness in your back, hips, neck, shoulders, and hamstrings, restore mobility, and re-align your posture. The added warmth of carefully placed hot stones melts away any lingering chatter, allowing you to sink deeper into your presence.

SoundBath: As we settle into our final restorative pose, you will be showered with 40 minutes raw organic sounds, fostering a profound sense of wonder. While you rest, the resonance envelops you, harmonizing the energies of your body: physical, mental, and emotional, soothing your brain with alpha-theta brain waves, bringing deep relaxation, and promoting healing from within.

Glow SoundBath is an immersive meditative experience, the healthiest way to wash away your mental chatter without any effort or substance. The founder Natasha comes from a classical piano background, weaving her own melodies into a hypnotizing musical flow. During the SoundBath many people experience beautiful colorful visions, reaching a deep state of internal exploration, relaxation, and serenity. With levels of anxiety, insomnia, ADD, depression, and chronic pain on the rise, we hope all of us can use our blissful soundbath as a regular weekly selfcare.

Reservations: required - please book directly via CLASS SCHEDULE

Arrivals: Please arrive at least 10 minutes before the event to set up. We lock the doors once the experience begins. No refunds for missed reservations.


Bring: yoga mat.

$49 1-Week Unlimited Trial, or $40 1 class

You may also schedule PRIVATE SOUNDBATH at Glow, or at your Event >

Location: 1548 Stockton Street 2nd floor

Parking: If you're driving - North Beach Parking Garage is at 735 Vallejo ($5/h)

Refunds: not allowed. You CAN reschedule 24h before the event for any upcoming week, or any other class on daily schedule if you can contact us via our web Chat

With LOVE,

Glow Team

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