
Impact! – A Party for Making an Impression

Impact! – A Party for Making an Impression

Paddles and Floggers and Canes, Oh Please!

Do you or someone you know deserve a bare-handed spanking? Of course, you do! Impact! is the perfect party for showcasing those spanking, slapping, and bruise-inducing skills of yours and those you trust, all in an alt-sex friendly space.

At Catalyst, we understand your need to hear the delicious smack of an Impact! toy as it strikes flesh or thin fabric. We know there’s a different “swish” heard between a riding crop, a bamboo rod, and a fiberglass cane. If you do, too, or you want to find out, join us for a night of percussive perversion and good-natured community. Consent is mandatory.

If you are so inclined, bring some finger food to share. Non-alcoholic beverages will be available for purchase.



Ages 18+

9 pm– 1 am

Catalyst is a sex-positive, gender-affirming, IAA+ safe space. Please respect the pronouns and gender identities of others. The space is wheelchair accessible and ADA c ompliant. The entrance is off the alley through the blue security gate.

Catalyst Attendance Covid Policy

We require that all guests, hosts, volunteers, and presenters have all of the anti-COVID vaccines that they are eligible for and that are recommended by the CDC by the date of the event. (For example, thus far the CDC has not 'recommended' the 2nd booster but it has agreed that it is a really good idea.) Masks are recommended, but not required.

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