
Jewish & Poly Speed Dating - PDX!

Shalom! Tired of running into the putz at the bar? Then join us in connecting on a deeper level by celebrating our shared cultural & religious values, traditions, & experiences.

This event is centered around bringing the Jewish & polyamorous community of Oregon together! Schmooze some new potential partners or close friends in a fun & inclusive environment!

At our Jewish & Polyamorous Speed Dating event, we're focusing our intentions on building a more connected Jewish & Poly community locally, as well as being able to find a match that relates to your socioreligious background. You may even find a mensch.

Dating within our community can be beneficial for some to have a more robust sense of belonging. It allows us Jews to connect on a deeper level through shared cultural & religious values, traditions, & experiences. Dating someone from a similar background can foster understanding, support, & a sense of belonging. Additionally, it can promote cultural preservation & help pass on Jewish traditions to future generations, polycules, & families - both chosen & bio. 

During the event, you'll have the opportunity to participate in facilitated speed dating. Each date lasts for 5 minutes, with 2 minutes between rounds. Conversation prompts & authentic relating techniques will be provided to make each date a memorable & meaningful experience. The event prompts are centered & balanced between culturally rooted questions to bond over as well as questions to get the feel of each other's personalities! 

After the speed dating rounds conclude, we invite you to mingle freely in our welcoming space! 

Enjoy complimentary snacks, unwind in our non-sexual cuddle space, & quench your thirst with $5 all-you-can-drink mocktails! It's the perfect chance to meet other potential dates, explore different locations, or connect further with someone who caught your interest.

The event itinerary is as follows:

7 PM: Guests are welcome to enter.

7:15 PM - 7:30 PM: Event directions/settling In

7:30 PM - 9:00 PM: Speed Dating 

9:30 PM - 11 PM: Open mingling

Are you Gender Balancing this event?

This event is open to pansexual & gender expansive folks, so there will be a variety of genders in your personal experience. This means connections of all queer & straight varieties are possible! (If you're only interested in dating or friending one gender type person, this event is probably not for you).

Outfit Recommendations:

We recommend comfortable inside & outside to wear! Wear what makes you feel your best, but please cover your bits.

Who Can Attend?

This event is geared towards Jewish-identified folx & their partners. Friends are also welcome to attend. All genders, sexualities, gender expressions, relationship styles, etc. are encouraged to attend. We support & promote all LGBTQ+ identities, trans, gender expansive, BIPOC, kinky, & relationship expansive or mono folks.

About the Venue:

Hearth & Soul is located in North Portland. There is one stair to navigate to get into the house & a beautiful, black cat on site.

About your Hosts:

Jamie (aka Gwynny) 

Jamie is the executive director of Sex Positive Portland; she has been hosting speed dating since 2019. She is polyamorous, queer, and kinky, with a love of shibari/rope bondage. She leads discussion groups and classes on relationships of all sizes, orientations, and dynamics. Her background is in communications, video production, and marketing; check out her YouTube channel ( and or social media @ExploringJamie

Lady Vivus 

Lady Vivus (she/her) is a spiritually & culturally driven bootblack, Switchinatrix, & a leather cow. She's an out, proud, & fierce-as-fire transwoman. At a young age, she became a believer the first time she saw Arnold Schwarzenegger’s tight ass in leather pants while watching Terminator 2. Since then, Vivus has found a spiritual outlet through leather that's driven her love of bootblacking & leather care to new heights. While hailing from Detroit, Michigan, she has settled in Salem, Oregon, where she serves as the majordomo for her leather family, the Atomic Army.

In her previous 9-5, Vivus assisted in running one of the few behavior services agencies in the world dedicated to supporting folx displaying sexually maladaptive behaviors. During that time working in the field of social sexuality, she was grateful to be able to author sex & gender positive curriculum, as well as curriculum around healthy relationship development.

She hopes to inspire others to enjoy sexuality & dynamics from an authentic place, as well as helping folx their spiritual place with leather & be able to find healing within it as well. Her love of community, education, & sharing ideas with other sex-positive folx is insatiable. Vivus also serves as the lead organizer for the Salem Munch, as well as the Willamette Valley Shine On chapter. Vivus currently serves as a resident bootblack for the Portland Eagle & formerly 50 Shades of STFU, & Jiffy Kink.

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