
KINAM Toltek Yoga

Kinam, also known as "Toltec Yoga", is a self development practice based on archeological sources from ancient Mexico.

It is an ancestral art from Anawak (Mesoamérica) intended to harmonize body and spirit through Toltec power postures (Yekoatl), breathing techniques (I' imati), hand gestures (Machiomanas) and also techniques for the development of perception (Nahuallic Technics).

Kinam correlates our bodies (mental, physical, emotional and energetic) with the four directions, and the four alchemical elements to harmonize our being with our environment.

Kinam channels, compacts and flows the energy through our four bodies. To support this energy flow, Adrián incorporates functional warm-up and strengthening movements, breathing and fascia maneuvers into the practice to optimally prepare for the Toltec power postures.

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