
Kinky BIPOC Munch

  • Ventura, CA -

DEFINITION. BIPOC stands for Black, Indigenous, and people of color. Pronounced “bye-pock,” this is a term specific to the United States, intended to center the experiences of Black and Indigenous groups and demonstrate solidarity between communities of color. We are not a fetish.

(Allies, see below.)

We’re having another Ventura Kinky BIPOC Munch! 

A safe space to chat, catch up, and meet old and new friends alike. Age 18+ only!

Purely social, it’s dinner and conversation!

Please note that there is NO play or sexual contact at a munch. This event is at a public restaurant with a vanilla setting. Do not come to this event cruising for sex or to excessively promote other events/groups. This includes using our guest list to message attendees inappropriately— there is no obligation to meet/go with anyone at this event.

We have the back section of the restaurant. All experience levels are welcome and we encourage you to bring and make friends within the community.

Respect privacy.

Identifying details about who you meet here and what we talk about should be kept private.

If you run into someone you know here from the vanilla world, the same applies— be sure not to share personal details about them. While it may be exciting to see someone you know, be mindful that they might not be.

New to the community? Never been to a munch?

Come out and join us!

We're happy to welcome, teach, and inform new members of how to navigate the kink community safely or just to chill and chat.

We recommend reading:

Everything You Need to Know about Attending Your First BDSM Munch

“Playing Well with Others” by Lee Harrington & Mollena Williams

Ask, don't assume: enthusiastic consent is required at all times.

NOTE ABOUT ALLIES: This defines partners and friends who are not BIPOC. If you are not BIPOC, please invite one to “sponsor” you to this event. Or, contact @MadMan for sponsorship.

COVID-19 Policy: we may hold our friends to a higher standard, but not for event attendees as long as you have recently tested negative, haven’t had any exposures in a week and aren’t experiencing any symptoms.

See more events in Ventura, CA