
Latihan, Sensual Wonderland, and multiple handed massage w/ Monique & Peter

Are you ready to dive deep into Energy and Play and discover and explore your full power and expression?

We attach the word ‘sacred’ to any practice, experience, or way-of-being that slows us down and deepens our experience of being alive. Our sensuality is a manifestation and expression-of our vital sxxual life-force and creative energy. It can play, move, and be shared and enjoyed in many ways.

Come with your desire to unmask the secrets of your heart.

Come ready to release those energies that hold you back from manifesting love.

Come explore ways to experience more joyfully in your life.

We will start the night with Energy Sxx.

Are you ready to dive deep into Energy and Play and discover and explore your full power and expression?

*Have you always been in touch with a sixth sense in some way and want to develop that further? The ability to feel, see, taste, touch, experience the world through Energy?

This will be followed by Latihan (a movement meditation for moving in the unknown)

First, let's talk a little bit about how NOT moving in the unknown is one of the most costly, invisible limitations that sabotage our lives.

Learning to move in the unknown is the OPPOSITE of being controlling. It’s the opposite of needing to be “Right”. Practicing moving in the unknown is the medicine for holding your body in knots and tension in your abdomen, anxiety in your chest, and clenching in your root.

Have you ever experienced any of those things?

Latihan is the practice of surrender in the most pleasurable way. It can be a daily, weekly or monthly practice by your divine self or with a partner.

At the end of the evening, we will lead you through a sensual wonderland. The two of us will provide a safe place where everyone will get to see each other with newborn eyes. Through sight, breath, touch, sound, scent, taste, guided visualization, conscious communication and energetic expansion, we will open our hearts to surrender into bliss-filled ecstasy.

Only then will you begin to connect with wonder, curiosity, and utter awareness, celebrating the divine presence within us all.

Delightful fun exploring deep within ourselves and our reflections.

Dive deep into your senses. Tune in to your body. Integrate your playful and sensuous sides. Enter a world of visual delight, delicious aroma, mouth-watering pleasure, sensuous touch, and healing sound. Dive deep into your authenticity. Extend your awareness and your ability to listen to your body. We will be leading us through paired exercises such as erotic feeding, sensation play on your body, (touching for YOUR pleasure) sound bath, fragrances to awaken your core being, The “bossy” massage ( tease and denial, learn how empowering it can be to really ask/beg for exactly the touch you would like ), AND so much more.

We invite you to let go, to fall in love with each person you meet on the night’s journey and eventually be dropped in so deeply in awareness and appreciation of YOU, that you leave having fallen deeply and madly in love with yourself.

This is an event given by Monique Darling, and Peter Petersen, all internationally acclaimed and experienced teachers. Note: this is a sensual/not sxxual event with optional full nudity, all boundaries honored.

Love Exchange $69 early bird/ $79 General admission $129 pairs

We do have a few sliding scale or Scholarship tickets for BIPOC and female identified folk who may need them, just contact Peter or Monique

About Your Facilitators

Monique Darling, Author of 'Beyond Cuddle Party' and workshop facilitator extraordinaire, was born on this planet with the unique gifts and soul calling to help you remember how magnificent you truly are! Messages from your ancestors, your spirit guides, your body, nature, your soul, are all called upon and utilized so that you walk away knowing how deeply the cosmos loves you for YOU, exactly as you are, so you can begin to love and accept yourself too.

YOU, you are the gift!

Monique has led nearly 3000 workshops in the past 13 years. She has taught at colleges across the US including Yale. She has been featured on TLC and The Dr’s as well as various radio shows, podcasts and magazines across the globe. She specializes in helping others reclaim their power and natural sensuality by transmuting fear and repression into courage, self-love and freedom. Her primary purpose is helping folks bring out their vulnerability, energetic embodiment and fearless relating. Learn more about Monique by going to

Peter Petersen has been teaching qigong for 20 years and has been a certified massage therapist for the last 18 years. Peter has been teaching in health clubs, hospitals, retirement villas, and several different wellness/spa resorts in Mexico and the United States, such as Rancho La Puerta, Mayacamas Ranch, and Present Moment Retreat.

Peter is also a personal wellness coach. This Qigong practice helps people ground themselves into their “now” to increase their present moment awareness of their behaviors, and find simple solutions to problematic habits such as: eating, moving, negative thinking, and sleeping. The result of this tool box of healthy information is that clients become their own health advocate and regain a sense of stability, peace, and well-being into their everyday lives.

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