Did you know that 80% of all we EVER learn is imprinted by age FIVE?! As a child, we inevitably experienced pain or suffering that we could not acknowledge and/or deal with sufficiently at the time. These experiences became imprinted into our subconscious as beliefs about ourselves and the world. These beliefs become our stories that are lived out in the body as triggers and distortions in the adult mind. As adults, we typically become triggered by experiences that are reminiscent of these old painful feelings. As a result, we typically turn to a habitual, defensive, or addictive way of trying to manage these painful feelings. The majority of us are making choices based on avoiding triggers instead of from a place of love and freedom.
This workshop is an opportunity to identify YOUR subconscious childhood learning. Get to the root of what triggers and stories are running your life and release the faulty learning at the neurological level. We replace the faulty learning with new beliefs about yourself and the world. This clears the nervous system of old learning and allows for new programming to happen. We also go through a deep experiential process of reconnecting to the subconscious inner child. You learn how to integrate the inner child and the logical adult so that you can be whole and functional together.
I had conventional and unconventional training in all the modalities used in this training. I had the privilege of working with many mentors around the country over the past two years that have unique offerings for this deprogramming process. Doing this work personally has been one of the most valuable and life changes experiences. I have witnessed the permanent changes in patients, peers, and loved ones. I look forward to guiding you through this part of your journey.
Included In Workshop:
Aftercare Program: