
Oakland Rope Salon with Ota Kinbaku

  • Hosted by VoxBody Studio
  • Oakland, CA -
  • 14 people on the list-

VoxBody is pleased to add Oakland Rope Salon to our 2023 calendar! Join us for an intimate evening of rope and discussion on one or all dates!

Hosted by @OtaKinbaku (rigger and photographer) Oakland Rope Salon is an intimate gathering to discuss the people, culture, and emotions around the art of Japanese Rope Bondage. This is a get-together for those that want to delve deeper into the spiritual side of Shibari, touching on influences, lessons learned, and achievements.


What is Oakland Rope Salon

  * An intentionally small group of participants. Our goal is to foster group discussion, and are therefore keeping the capacity of this event limited.

  * Please join us if your interest is in sharing your exploration of rope in a small group setting! This is not the event to attend if you are seeking to lab out a tie on your own time. We do ask that all attendees are present for the entire event, from opening to closing circle. Come open-minded, and interested in participating in group conversation! 

  * General event format will be:

    - 6:45 doors open // please plan to arrive by 7pm!

    - 7-8pm tea and discussion circle. Discussion topics will vary each month

    - the remainder of the evening may include: continued discussion, open tying, tying demos, or video viewing. This will depend on each event's theme, and the general energy of the group. Please come prepared for any of these activities (bring your rope!) and open-minded to see how each event unfolds!

    - 10pm event ends

  * Tickets are per person; if you are attending with a tying partner you will need two tickets.

 * Four dates for 2023! Join us for one, or all! January 11, February 1, March 8 and April 12. Register separately for each date. 

  * There is no formal instruction at these events. Open tying time is just that. 

  Possible discussion topics include: 

    - Why we tie 

    - Sensual to sadistic - Yukimura to Mai Randa

    - Semenawa

    - What we use besides rope

    - Spiritual to technical (range of styles)

* There is loaner rope for attendees to use during the event. If you have your own rope, bring it! 

*Please take some time to read our FAQ page and read and remain familiar with our studio policies and etiquette page. If you have any questions or concerns please email us at

COVID Policy

Getting Here

About @OtaKinbaku:

@OtaKinbaku is an eclectic photographer and rope artist from the San Francisco Bay area. He found interest in Japanese rope bondage initially for its aesthetics. In 2015 Ota took lessons in Japan while spending time with Naka Akira and other bakushi. While there, he was introduced to the spiritual nature of rope and its wide variety of styles. Today, Shibari is Ota's way of deepening empathy and learning to be present in the moment.

Find @OtaKinbaku on IG @otanawa and Twitter @OtaKinbaku

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