Whether you've been practicing BDSM for decades, or are just finding your path as a kinkster later in life, you probably have distinct questions & needs that just aren't addressed in general BDSM classes. We'll talk about:
- Honoring ourselves as our kink journey & relationships evolve
- Creating D/s and other kink dynamics that fit with the rest of our life
- How the neuropsychology of kink is really good for neuroplasticity!
- Evolving our skills and techniques over time to honor our changing bodies
- Self-care, resilience, balance and access
- Recognizing our shifting privilege in communities, and using it mindfully
This class is targeted to the needs of kinksters in middle age and beyond (as defined by your own experience) and is open to everyone who is interested.
Miriam Green has been in the public kink scene for over one dozen years in the Austin, Houston, and San Francisco scenes. They teach a series of KINK 101 classes on the SF kink community, BDSM negotiations, and dating while kinky. They also are the owner of Wicked Grounds.
Please note: This class is available for free to Wicked Grounds Patreon members who are subscribed at the VIP level ($30/month or higher). If you are a current Patreon member at that level, please reach out to Events@WickedGrounds.com to be put on the guest list. You may select one Kink 101 class per month for this benefit. Want to join? Go to Patreon.com/WickedGrounds to sign up!
Tickets: $20-$40. Please pay at the level you can comfortably afford. We offer a sliding scale, so that cost is not a barrier to attendance.
If cost is a barrier at any level, please use the "Volunteer List" to request a free scholarship ticket. We will award as many scholarship tickets as we can on a space-available basis.
Wicked Grounds VIP members get free tickets! Find out more at Patreon.com/WickedGrounds!
This class will now be online only, attend anywhere via Zoom! To participate, you will need to download the free, basic version of the Zoom app before the class. This class WILL be recorded and is available for later viewing. Zoom now provides closed captioning which will be available for this event.
Want to see who's going, match, chat, and meet the community? Follow Wicked Grounds on the Bloom Community app to check out this event and see our future postings: https://bl.ooo/m/org/wicked-grounds
Want to see who's going, match, chat, and meet the community? Follow Wicked Grounds on the Bloom Community app to check out this event and see our future postings: https://bl.ooo/m/org/wicked-grounds