
ONLINE: The Sensation of Touch

It's easy to get caught up in a yearning for the latest and greatest toys. Yet we often forget about the tools we carry with us all the time: our hands. Our hands can be used in various ways to deliver the range of sensations that you could get from a full toy bag. Beyond the sensations of touch, delivering pain and pleasure, our hands can also deliver intent and emotion. In this class we will bring our focus back to the basics of the sensation of touch with some lecture and discussion on sensation and perception 101 before we talk about what's in our toybags and how to mimic those sensations with our hands.


Keiden Bren is a neurodivergent queer kinky pagan artist living with MS. They have a deep passion for identity, communication, and language which fuels their desire to create safe spaces for people to just be themselves and to generate learning experiences to grow. With a professional background and volunteer experience in Security and Event Operations, they have developed a penchant for the technical writing of operations, policies, and procedures with a focus on inclusive training and revising outdated content. They have taught classes and lead workshops in various communities on a wide range of topics with a focus on well-being, connection, sexuality, and spirituality.

In addition to their work in security and education, Keiden is also a drummer, a sacred fire tender, a member of the Universal Temple of Spirits, a first-degree initiate in the Stone Circle Wicca tradition, an ordained Priest by the Order of the Golden Gryphon, a graduate of Gryphon’s Grove School of Shamanism, and an honorary member of the Seattle based Night Crew Paranormal Society.


We offer a sliding scale, so cost is not a barrier to attendance.

The regular ticket is $30. This is what most people should pay.

The $20 ticket is offered for those for whom the $30 ticket would be a barrier to participation. Have a great salary? Feeling generous? Paying at the $40 level allows us to make the discounted tickets available to others who need it.

So, that's it! Choose the level you can comfortably afford.

No one turned away for lack of funds.

Patreon members at the VIP+ level may get discounted tickets for $10. Just see your Patreon membership emails for this month's discount code. Find out more at!

If cost is a barrier at any level, please use the "Volunteer List" to request a free scholarship ticket. We will award as many scholarship tickets as we can on a space-available basis.


This will be a live, online class offered through Zoom. To participate, you may need to download the free, basic version of the Zoom app before the class! This class will be recorded but may not be guaranteed access.

Zoom now provides closed captioning, which will be available for this event.