
ONLINE: The Top Lies About Power Exchange with girl lily

With the amount of information out there about Power Exchange, sometimes it’s easy to get conflicting communication. Are you doing it right? Are you doing it wrong? What makes it 24/7 anyway?!

This class will put your mind at ease and debunk some common misconceptions about Power Exchange. Spoiler alert: you’re doing fine!

This class will take you through these misunderstood concepts to help bring more fun, joy, and understanding to your dynamics. We will go through why these are myths and how, if you wanted to, make them more of a reality for your dynamic.


Enjoying kink since 2010, @lilybeast (she/her) is a submissive, brat in a 24/7 primal High Protocol dynamic. As a service-oriented individual, lily focuses on culinary and companion service, using skills gained from two decades in customer service. An active and engaged member of the SoCal kinky community, lily was the Education Chair for SoCalKink and admin of Brats in Predicaments on Facebook. Currently, lily runs a monthly book club, where she facilitates discussion and promotes learning about service, High Protocol, and kink dynamics.

Outside of kink, lily goes to therapy, enjoys cooking, and loves to read in a bubblebath.


$15 - $35 in advance. Please pay at the level you can comfortably afford.

We offer a sliding scale, so that cost is not a barrier to attendance.

The regular ticket is $25. This is what most people should pay.

The $15 ticket is offered for those for whom the $25 ticket would be a barrier to participation. If $25 is too much, we take your word for it! Just pay $15.

Have a great salary? Feeling generous? Paying at the $35 level allows us to make the discounted ticketing available to others who need it.

So - that's it! Choose the level you can comfortably afford.

Patreon members at the VIP+ level may get discounted tickets for $10. Just see your Patreon membership emails for this month's discount code. Find out more at!

If cost is a barrier at any level, please use the "Volunteer List" to request a free scholarship ticket. We will award as many scholarship tickets as we an on a space-available basis.


This will be a live, online class offered through Zoom. To participate, you may need to download the free, basic version of the Zoom app before the class! This class will not be recorded and is not available for later viewing.

Zoom now provides closed captioning which will be available for this event.