
Play Date: Prioritize Pleasure, Heal Your Life

A guided playshop to explore how pleasure and curiosity can enhance your healing. Prioritize pleasure, heal your life. 18+ in Malibu, CA

*This is an 18 plus event*

Feeling burnt out and like the days just blend together?

What if you could use play and pleasure as tools for healing to improve your relationships, mental health, and intimate life?

Join Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, sex therapist, and acclaimed podcast host, Nicoletta Heidegger MA, MEd., (Staying on Top Media, LLC) , and somatic pleasure coach and best-selling author, Irene Morning, M.S. for a full day of play to help you:

- Come back to your body and its exploration

- Learn about your blocks to pleasure and play

- Reinvigorate your sense of wonder/curiosity

- Integrate pleasure as part of your healing journey

- Get weird

- Rediscover what it feels like to play

- Feel more relaxed towards intimacy, pleasure, and connection

- Remember you are inherently worthy of feeling good

This day-long playshop will include:

- Educational mini-workshops

- Guided experiential activities

- Recess-style play stations

- Movement

- Bonding and community building

- No more than 30 participants

Join us in preparing your body for more pleasure through playfulness and curiosity.

* Come discover more clarity about your likes and desires.

* Shed the shame and conditioning that make adulting no fun.

* Break down barriers that stand in the way of experiencing your full pleasure potential.

* Return to your daily rhythm with a new zest for life and the tools to help you stay playful.

You deserve a Play Date!

What Inspired This Play Date?

Being an adult can be so blech! All that yucky adulting stuff- stress, tension, and endless to-do lists? No, thank you!

But supposedly it is all worth it because grown ups get to have grown up fun, right? Well… unfortunately all that stress and seriousness can actually stand in the way of us accessing the pleasure we’d like to experience. We give up childlike wonderment thinking we’ll get grown up pleasure, but we wind up with neither!

It is a sad truth that many of us don’t carve out the intentional time we need for play and pleasure.

Somewhere between the sandbox and the tax office we learned that feeling good has to be earned. Or worse - that we have to be “fully healed”/more healed in order to access playfulness of spirit and enjoyment of our bodies.

This can lead to/look like:



Not feeling deserving


Being really in your head (ie anxiety brain)

A sense of isolation and/or unfairness


Negative self-talk/self-consciousness

Not knowing what you want/like

Feeling disconnected or overwhelmed

Feeling a lot of pressure around intimacy (to have it, to perform it, to like it)

Comparison to others

What if instead of being the reward you earn at the end of the journey, play and pleasure are actually the path to getting there?

Meet your facilitators:

Hi, I’m Irene.I am a somatic coach, pleasure witch, intimacy educator and author who empowers pleasure liberation and emotional freedom to help folks create the relationships that actually work for them, whether that’s with themselves or others. I am a lover of all things human and a believer in the transformative power of vulnerability. My work guides clients into the core of their holistic pleasure and supports them to become fully self-expressed in their desires. Together, we untangle how cultural contexts and oppressive systems have worked their way into our beliefs and bodies in ways that keep us disconnected from ourselves and from each other. Together, we embrace both individual and collective healing by using pleasure as medicine.

My work is:





My philosophy is deeply rooted in healing for the self as but one aspect of cultivating our collective liberation. When we cultivate awareness, honesty, and celebration within ourselves—particularly as it relates to pleasure—we are better equipped with the tools to live more fully and to use our gifts to heal the world around us.

Nicoletta Heidegger, MA., MEd. is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (#110256) and Sexologist practicing in Los Angeles, California. She specializes in trauma-informed sex therapy for diverse populations as well as Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP). Nicoletta received her BA in Psychology from Stanford University, her MA in Clinical Psychology from Pepperdine University, and her Masters of Education in Human Sexuality from Widener University. She sees therapy clients (CA residents only) virtually and at her unique ranch office in Los Angeles, where she offers outdoor sessions and Equine Facilitated (also called Equine Assisted) Psychotherapy and Learning. She also provides coaching, consulting, education, and retreats to folks around the world. When not seeing clients, Nicoletta creates weekly content via her hit show Sluts and Scholars: a sex positive, shame-free, educational podcast for professionals who like pleasure. Nicoletta contributes regularly to a variety of columns, podcasts, classrooms, and blogs about sex, relationships, and mental health.

Tickets & Pricing:

There are a limited number of early bird tickets available 5/23/23 - 6/22/23. After early bird pricing ends, ticket sales will be available on a sliding scale of three options, with hopes that those who can afford to pay more will do so, enabling us to offer lower-cost spots to those who otherwise wouldn’t be able to join us. We strive to make our work accessible to folks across class barriers, and appreciate your participation in that effort.

Early bird: $111 (ends June 22!)

Aardvark: $133

Unicorn: $222

Goat: $311

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