OC Polyam and Polyamorous Gathering Long Beach are joining forces again to have a family day at the park! Join us for a fun potluck picnic at El Dorado Park in Long Beach. Your dogs, kids, and family are all invited!
We'll be providing:
-Fold out tables for food
-Paper plates
-Paper towels
Please bring:
*your favorite picnic foods/snacks to share! If you can make it, post what you'd like to bring in the comments below.
*blanket, camp chairs or seating for your family
*your favorite park games
*jacket, sunscreen, water
Parking is $8 per car. This is HUGE park so a rough map is provided. We'll be meeting in the same place we met last time just over the bridge after your turn onto Snake Drive. Our group will be marked with balloons and chalkboard sign so you know who we are. Feel free to PM myself or Chai Benson if you have any questions. We can't wait to see you there!!
See links below to join group for exact location.
Facebook links (group event will. E posted in my OC group and the LB group):
Polyamorous Gathering Long Beach
OC Polyam
Meetup group link:
Polyamorous Gathering Long Beach on Meetup https://meetu.ps/c/3B6cl/1gZW7/a
Or email organizer Chai at: LBCTHERAPY@GMAIL.COM