Dance as Medicine presents:
The Sunday Dance w/Presencia
@ The Marin Masonic Lodge
888 4th St, San Rafael, CA
Sun, Jan 19: 11am-1:15pm
Coming from the E Bay or SF? Take $3 off
Check Dance as Medicine for all our events:
DJ Presencia aka Chelsea Biklen, is a community co-creator, student, teacher, and spiritual seeker. She finds her own divine remembrance and connection through ceremony, nature, silence, and movement. She has found that within music and dance she is able to stabilize her own consistent dialogue and trust in life. Chelsea seeks containers of safety and skilled holding to explore the depths of her own body as a vessel for liberation and connection - and she aims to create these spaces for others. In addition to being an Ecstatic Dance DJ,
Chelsea is a Dancing Freedom Facilitator, yoga teacher, and energy and body worker. Her DJ name 'Presencia' comes from a strong internal value to show up presently to each part of the process of creation.
Come join the amazing community we co-create every week! It is our dance church and sanctuary! A place to connect and re-connect with yourself and others. A place where ALL are welcome and all emotions are welcome. Like other Ecstatic Dances, we are talk-free, substance-free, shoe-free and FREE spirited!
Michelle Om will be selling delicious organic/gf snacks and beverages for the rest of January!
Lisa Hartnett will be selling AWESOME men's/women's clothing/jewelry this week.
The Sunday Dance w/Presencia
Sunday, Jan 19, 11am-1:15pm $22-32
@ The Marin Masonic Lodge
888 4th St, San Rafael, CA
Sunday Dance DJ schedule:
1/19 Presencia
1/26 AguaMayyim
2/2 Qoi
2/9 3rd Eye Warrior
2/16 Jesse Klein
2/23 tba
3/2 Dragonfly
3/9 Soleiluna
3/16 Bez
Guidelines for our dance
• BE PRESENT (no phones or cameras)
• NO TALKING (no talking on the main dance floor – soft voice/whispering is ok in the back of the room)
• EMBODIMENT (be aware if your body movement is causing danger or if your voice/sounds are disruptive to those around you)
• SUBSTANCE FREE (no intoxicants of any kind)
• CONSENSUAL (make eye contact and confirm a “YES” before engaging with others, respect others space - crossed arms, looking or moving away means “NO”)
• GROUNDING (no outside shoes)
• RESPECT (respect your own & other’s space, expression, and autonomy)
Starting in December 2024, we have a dance 'fairy' available for anyone who needs to talk about anything (challenging or troubling) that happens/ed to them at the dance. Kerin Meri is our first dance fairie. If you don't know who she is, ask the host or others at the dance to point her out.
And, of course, as your host, NEVER hesitate to bring anything to my attention (Dan Z) that you feel needs to be addressed.
DJ DZ brings the dance to the people and the people to the dance! Cause we can never have too much movement and liberation in our lives!