Queer? Polyamorous? Non-monogamy-inclined? Once a month, we're hosting a gathering to broaden our understanding and deepen our knowledge of these concepts. The purpose of these gatherings is to bring people together with an intent to build community, skill share, and discuss what it's like to lead a life of "many loves." Our goal is not to create a formula on how to be poly because, truly, there is no right way.
Whether you have years of entangled relationships under your belt, or find yourself single and curious, we invite anyone who feels called to join in and share their successes, difficulties, and failures/blessings in disguise. We'd like to collectively learn from members of our community and create a support network for those interested in this path.
This month we're exploring the concept of coming out. As queers, we've already had to practice divulging our sexuality to ourselves, our friends and family, and society at large. But how important is it to reveal to others that you're not monogamous? Do you tell your siblings? Your co-workers? A random stranger on BART? Come explore the intersection of open relationships and identity and examine where and how you draw the lines.
Doors will open at 6:45 pm and we will be starting promptly at 7:00 pm. This is a discussion group and not a mixer so we ask that people join us for the entire duration of the meeting to get the most out of it. As thanks to Queer Arts Featured for hosting us, we'll ask for a suggested donation of around $12 for use of the space (NOTAFLOF/GAYAABAGS: No one turned away for lack of funds/Give as you are able, but always give something).
Bring a friend, a snack to share, a notebook, your favorite pen, or just yourself!