
Relationship Lab for Empaths

  • 26 people on the list-

A playful and supportive workshop for empaths who want to sweeten their experience in intimate relationships.

Relationship Lab supports you to create romantic relationships where you feel empowered, seen, and free to be your most authentic self.

Facilitated by a professional coach, the Lab is a welcoming place to bring your big scary questions: the things you worry about sharing with a partner or want to stop belaboring with your friends.

Each session is a little different but you can expect to get support to transform your usual patterns in relationships and connect with likeminded empaths who share similar goals and dreams.

Important: I ask that all people who join have their video on during the call. This creates a sense of presence/connectedness in the group.

Relationship Lab is for you if:

  • You are very good at recognizing what other people need but less skillful at knowing what you deeply want, or how to create it.
  • You focus more on what a partner might feel than your own experience.
  • You often feel unseen, frustrated, or like you’re doing a lot of work in relationships.
  • You would love to experience more ease and playfulness in connection.
  • You tend to feel that you “lose a sense of self” in relationships.
  • Conflict feels like something to be avoided, rather than a connective possibility for greater love.

A typical Relationship Lab might include:

  • Partnered and group practices to develop ease and freedom in recognizing and asking for what you really want.
  • Developing the skill to use your gift as an empath to hold space for others while also remaining true to your own vision and needs.
  • Exercises to discover new layers of your own desire and boundaries.
  • The opportunity to bring up questions or challenges you are struggling with. A few individuals will be able to receive direct coaching support in the Lab.

Everyone is welcome in the Lab, regardless of relationship status, gender, sexual orientation, or dating preferences. Our sessions always center choice, consent and personal sovereignty. I am kink and poly literate. Access is important to me. Please contact us with any accessibility questions or concerns.

Who am I?

I am an empath, a professional coach, and a yoga teacher. The practices that I teach here are ones that really helped to transform my relationships to bring in far more ease and joy. I love to laugh and would not do this workshop if it wasn't both playful and deeply authentic! You can learn more about me on my website.