Seduction 201 is for intermediate dancers to continue building on their confidence and body awareness.
Seduction 101 & 201 were created to encourage women to tap into their sensuality. Why is this important? We are often our own worst critics. By providing a safe environment where women can objectively see how their bodies move allows for them to focus on improving body awareness which leads to improved confidence. Body awareness is the connection between one’s mind and body. Our bodies hold on to past memories which can be a hinderance to our self improvement, especially when it comes to physical activity. Sedution 101 is here to pull out those emotions through sensual dancing.
Class Order: Warm Up, isolation and movement, routine, cool down. Routines are short and can be used for at home practice. As the class progresses, you will learn beginner floor and chair routines.
Attire: Come dressed in clothing you can move around in. Make sure you have knee pads for floor work. Heels are optional.
* Class Packages Available *