
SF: Getting Started with Rope Part 2 with Psychokitty

  • Hosted by Wicked Grounds
  • San Francisco, CA - address sent to ticket holders
  • 84 people on the list

This class will be postponed from our original 6/18 date due to instructor illness. Please stand by for a new date. The July 2 date noted here is only a placeholder while we work out the new date!

Working off the skills and knots from Getting Started with Rope part one, we will demonstrate some classic ties including the ladder tie, box tie, and Futomomo.

Although this class has no required prerequisites, we recommend this class to those who have attended part one, or who have basic familiarity with single and double column ties.


Ryan PsychoKitty is a performance artist and improv actor, starting at the Annoyance Theater of Improv of Chicago in the late 90s and has performed in New York, San Francisco, London, Kobe, and Osaka, with performance images in Skin Two. He has presented classes at the SF Citadel, Shibaricon, TNG4, Boundless, and others.

He is the host of the new Dirty Talk Game Show here in San Francisco, a former host of Shibaricon in Chicago, is one of the founders of Wicked Grounds Kink Café and Boutique.


$20 - $50. We offer a sliding scale, so that cost is not a barrier to attendance.

Choose the level you can comfortably afford.

If cost is a barrier at any point on the sliding scale, please use the Volunteer List at the bottom of the listing to request a scholarship seat.

Wicked Grounds VIP members get discounted/free tickets! Find out more at!


In SF, this class will be held at Stopgap near 9th and Mission. Exact location information will be revealed upon ticket purchase.

Please do not attend in person if you have any respiratory symptoms whatsoever. Anyone displaying signs of respiratory symptoms may be asked to leave, regardless of vaccination status.

This event is an inclusive, queer, and sex-positive safe space.

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