
SF: Kinky Speed Dating with PsychoKitty

  • Hosted by Wicked Grounds
  • San Francisco, CA -
  • 22 people on the list-

Feeling social pressure to find someone to connect with?

We can't promise love, but we can help you with a fun night full of meeting people, a lot of people, fast.

Our purpose is to encourage you to meet new people.

- Find people with similar kinks as yours.

- Find people with whom to explore new kinks.

- Find new friends.

- Find new people to play with.

People will be separated by appetite, either top or bottom. (Switches can pick a side or wait to see what side is needed more.) And then you will get two minutes with each person and a chance to connect afterward.

The evening is about meeting people who complement your kinky appetite, not about identity or gender. The people you meet will be worth meeting even if they aren't your appetite.

Once the event has started we can not add new people, so please be on time.


Ryan “Psychokitty” has been helping people connect with similar events for over a decade, from the old Shibaricon in Chicago, to Dark Odyssey: Surrender, or hosting events at the SF Citadel, Catalyst, and of course Wicked Grounds.


Tickets: $10- $25 in advance. Please pay at the level you can comfortably afford.

We offer a sliding scale, so that cost is not a barrier to attendance.

The regular ticket is $15. This is what most people should pay.

The $10 ticket is offered for those for whom the $15 ticket would be a barrier to participation. If $15 is too much, we take your word for it! Just pay $10.

Have a great salary? Feeling generous? Paying at the $25 level allows us to make the discounted ticketing available to others who need it.

So - that's it! Choose the level you can comfortably afford.


In SF, this class will be held in the Folsom Street Events Center. While proof of COVID vaccination and masking are both appreciated for all participants, we are no longer requiring them for in person attendance. We recommend arriving 10 minutes before the class start time for check in.

Please do not attend in person if you have any respiratory symptoms whatsoever. Anyone displaying signs of respiratory symptoms may be asked to leave, regardless of vaccination status.

See more events in San Francisco, CA