Wicked Grounds at Trellis, 981 Mission St, San Francisco, CA 94103
Negotiating is a critical skill for building BDSM scenes, dynamics and relationships that work. But negotiating doesn't necessarily come naturally -- especially for those of us who are just entering the kink scene.
Join us for a Kink 101 session on how to negotiate for exactly what you want in the BDSM scene and relationships. We'll talk about:
Drawing on what we know about the psychology of a scene, we'll learn how to negotiate as partners toward a BDSM style that is hotter, more fun, and more powerful for all partners in a dynamic. This series welcomes all genders, orientations, and dynamic styles. This workshop is designed for newcomers to BDSM but is open to anyone who wants new tools to improve their BDSM communications.
Miriam Green has been in the public kink scene for over one dozen years in the Austin, Houston and San Francisco scenes. They teach a series of KINK 101 classes on the SF kink community, BDSM negotiations, and dating while kinky. They also are the owner of Wicked Grounds.
You may also book personal consulting and coaching sessions with them at https://WickedGroundsAnnex.com
Tickets: $20 - $50 in advance, or $30 - $60 at the door. Please pay at the level you can comfortably afford.
Please note: This class is available for free to Wicked Grounds Patreon members who are subscribed at the VIP level ($30/month or higher). If you are a current Patreon member at that level, please reach out to Events@WickedGrounds.com to be put on the guest list. You may select one Kink 101 class per month for this benefit. Want to join? Go to Patreon.com/WickedGrounds to sign up!
We offer a sliding scale, so that cost is not a barrier to attendance.
The regular ticket is $30. This is what most people should pay.
The $20 ticket is offered for those for whom the $30 ticket would be a barrier to participation. If $30 is too much, we take your word for it! Just pay $20.
Have a great salary? Feeling generous? Paying at the $50 level allows us to make the discounted ticketing available to others who need it.
So - that's it! Choose the level you can comfortably afford.
No one turned away for lack of funds.
If cost is a barrier at any point on the sliding scale, please use the Volunteer List at the bottom of the listing to request a scholarship seat.
In SF, this class will be held at Trellis. Please note that doors will close quickly so we recommend arriving 15 minutes before the class start time for check in.
Please do not attend in person if you have any respiratory symptoms whatsoever. Anyone displaying signs of respiratory symptoms may be asked to leave, regardless of vaccination status.