
Soul Confidence: 5-Day Masterclass in Religious Recovery

The Soul Confidence 5-day masterclass offers a pathway to spiritual reclamation beyond guilt and into confident self-expression.

You'll learn the tools and techniques you need to overcome the impacts of religious trauma and find a deeper sense of joy, freedom, and authenticity in your life. Our expert instructors will guide you through a transformative process of deconstructing the harmful parts of your Christian faith and reconstructing a spiritual practice in alignment with your own spiritual beliefs. We'll also address the long-term impacts of religion on your ability to communicate and establish healthy boundaries in your relationships. 


Monday, August 28th - Friday, September 1st 2023

5:00-6:30pm PST/8:00-9:30pm EST each day.


Online Webinar from the comfort of your own home or office. The webinar link will be sent to you when you register.

Our Process

While both understanding mental health and biblical theology are important for overcoming religious trauma, it is equally important to work on them together. There are root causes in each and addressing one without the other can be ineffective.

Seeking support from a mental health professional can provide the necessary tools for managing and improving mental health, but it may not help in understanding and creating a new paradigm of beliefs within a religious context. On the other hand, exploring biblical theology can provide insight and direction, but it may not address the emotional and psychological impact of the trauma as well as the identities formed around it.

Our guest, Brandan's understanding of biblical theology can help provide comfort, hope, and spiritual direction. By taking into account cultural translations and historical contexts of biblical literature it becomes easier to dismantle harmful beliefs or practices that may have contributed to the religious trauma. In addition, Nathan's trauma-informed coaching helps to redirect unhealthy relationship habits including, fear of intimacy, lack of trust, and unhealthy attachment to bring about more authentic connection. The combined somatic and coaching model helps to break down the harmful habits in the mind and body, as well as the identities formed to protect oneself throughout these religious practices. Going through this process gives you the intellectual expertise of source literature, confidence in your own behaviors, and opens new possibilities for the way you connect with yourself, spirituality, and those around you.

We Are The Guides​

You Are The Captain

This is NOT a one path fits all method where you will be told what to believe. Instead, our experts will guide you through a proven process that empowers you to find your own path forward–whether that's within the realms of the Christian faith or outside of it. Together we’ll explore the historical contexts of Christian theology, the science of religious trauma, and learn how to overcome the mental health impacts no longer serving you.