
Sound Bath Meditation, Reiki and Potluck

  • Escondido, CA -

Please join us for a lovely Sound Bath Meditation Potluck and Reiki Healing Event.

We are offering something a little different and special. It’s Memorial Weekend. As we remember with gratitude all those who sacrificed for our freedom, let’s also do our part to raise our vibrations and radiate positive healing energy to everyone we encounter.

We will use a combination of Sound and Touch as instruments of healing. There will be Crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, tuning forks and a play list of specific sounds and frequencies that connect with each of the chakras and meridians of the body; for healing mind, body and spirit.

You will have an opportunity to go on a guided meditation journey to connect with and balance your energy centers, release anything that no longer serves you, recharge your energetic batteries and heal body mind and spirit. You may also use this opportunity to manifest your best life. We have the ability to attract and create the things we focus on; picture in our minds and feel in our hearts. Let’s put the power of manifestation to use.

The group facilitator (and anyone in attendance with energy healing experience who would like to offer their healing touch as well) will be offering Reiki (energetic healing touch) to any of the group members who would like to receive it during the sound meditation.

We will break midway through for a potluck. You are welcome to bring something to share. Vegetarian dishes, fruits, vegetables, salads, healthy snacks, nonalcoholic drinks, deserts and finger foods all welcome.

Please feel free to bring a yoga mat, blanket and or pillow for your comfort during meditation if you’d like.

Please feel free to visit my website and read my bio. I also offer private sessions.

If you have questions you need answered, please feel free to text me (619)386-9150.

PS: I have two cats that will be around during our events. They are very friendly. Just in case anyone has sever allergies I wanted to give a heads up. 🐈‍⬛ 🐈

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