
* SPARX * May * Sound Healing, Play, Authentic Relating + eXpression

  • Hosted by SPARX
  • Portland, OR -

SPARX is a fun and nurturing low-key, high-vibe monthly playspace in a cozy, chill, alcohol-free lounge! SPARX stands for "Sound Healing, Play, Authentic Relating + eXpression," -- a place where you can indulge in nourishing self-care (with a relaxing gong meditation, snacks, tea, and creative space); seed, sprout, and grow new and lasting friendships; and build a supportive community network through relaxing play, intentional connection, and art-sharing!

Spring is the time for emerging from our hibernation and planting the seeds of what we'd love to bring to life this coming year... Join us at the May SPARX to celebrate this time of renewal by growing together, and sprouting and nurturing new budding connections!

We aim to cultivate a gentle incubator for your authenticity to flourish as you grow new roots into the broader community. Hang out with heart-led people, connect through authentic relating games, enjoy healthy snacks and tea, dance, cuddle, play games, and make and share art! (*Please note, an RSVP to this Facebook event will not secure your spot. Please apply and register at:

Follow the SPARX page for updates:


Sunday - May 19th - (and every 3rd Sunday of 2024)

Doors open at 6:30pm;

Main Event: 7:00-9:15pm;

After Party: 9:15-10:30pm

Please arrive between 6:30-6:50pm, so we can settle in and be ready to begin by 7:00pm

The container will close / doors will be locked at 7:05pm, so please arrive on time 

~The Flow~

6:30-7:00pm - Soft Arrival (decorate your nametag, grab some snacks & tea, socialize, explore the space)

7:05-7:15pm - Opening Circle (container closes)

7:15-7:30pm - Gong Sound Bath with Guided Meditation (by Phoenyx / For the Love of Gong)

7:30-9:15pm - Authentic Relating Games (facilitated interactive exercises to foster connection)

9:15-10:30pm - After Party / Art Sharing / Social Hour (make art, enjoy snacks and tea, browse art for sale, dance, socialize, play games, or cuddle!)


What do I wear / bring?

Come as you are; embrace your uniqueness! Feel free to express yourself with fashion, dress to match the theme, and/or come cozy in your fluffy onesie. 

You'll want to bring something to help you be comfy sitting and/or laying on the wood floor (a yoga mat or pad, pillow(s), and possibly a light blanket to enjoy the sound bath).

If you want to, bring art to share with others and/or your favorite art supplies to create while you're there! You're also welcome to bring games and snacks, if you'd like.

*There's also an option to silent auction and accept donations for your art! Barter offers will also be encouraged.  If you're a music artist or poet and have CDs or books for sale, bring those, too! If you offer other products or services you'd like to share, bring a flyer or business card to post on a bulletin board. We'd love to build a micro-economy in our community where we can offer mutual support in meaningful ways.

Also, bring your best friends! (Please make sure they apply :))


The Space

Tango Berretin is a beautiful, large, cozy venue with several separate but connected spaces to enjoy different vibes. The main dancefloor is where we'll enjoy the sound bath, authentic relating games, and after-party dancing. We also encourage visual artists to display their art in this space. Another room will have art supplies and space for you to drop into your creative expression. A third space will have snacks; and a fourth space will be a cozy chill room with some interactive card games available. (Please note: Although the spaces are different, they all open to the main dancefloor space).

Parking may be sparse, so please leave ample time and/or carpool or take alternative transport.


Energy Exchange

Tickets are offered on a sliding scale: $30-$60

Discounts and gift tickets are available for volunteers and those with financial hardship. Volunteers must also purchase a ticket and will be reimbursed after the event.

To get your ticket, please apply and register at:


Culture of Care

Who We Serve:

This is an 18+, alcohol-free, consent-centric, LGBTQIA2S+ friendly, BIPOC-friendly event. We're calling in heart-led creatives who want to co-create a fun, supportive, thriving, active, and robust community.

Consent Etiquette:

Hugs and touch are wonderful and therapeutic, but only if it is wanted and/or invited! Be sure to ask before touching, hugging, or cuddling anybody, (or anything else you don’t have verbal permission for), and wait for a response. No response is the same as a no. If you aren’t sure if something is permitted in the space, ask someone on the SPARX Team.

Vetting & Discomfort Policies:

We want everyone to feel comfortable and safe to relax and be themselves in the space. In order to ensure we're all on the same page, we have a few safeguards (like filling out an application and agreeing to our guidelines and values). In the (hopefully very rare) case that someone feels uncomfortable with the behavior of someone in the space, they may be coached in a friendly way, notified, warned, or asked to leave (with a refund if they comply politely). More details in the application. Thanks for keeping this a safer space!


The SPARX Team

Phoenyx (she/her), the creator, organizer, and lead facilitator of SPARX, is a free-spirited solopreneur, writer, speaker, coach, consultant, and gong-lover — passionately inspired by authentic relating, healthy empowerment, peace-building, holistic wellbeing, and community-building. She has several years experience participating in and leading Authentic Relating workshops around the world with different organizations, including teacher-trainings with Solsara and Authentic Relating Training International. She also completed the Advanced Gong Sound Healing Certification Training through the International Gong Yoga Association in July 2022, under Gong Master Yogi Mehtab Benton, and has two magnificent gongs. She is the founder of "Phoenyx Enterprising;" Soundscape Navigator at "For the Love of Gong;" event organizer for Happier Portland, Authentic Portland, Portland Sound Healing, Relationship Anarchy Portland, Portland Bitcoin, and LoveHub Meetup groups; and author of "Liberating Love," an in-progress book exploring the art, science, philosophy, and practice of sovereign relating (inclusive self-care that fosters conscious, authentic, empowered, and healing relationships).

She has called together an exceptional team of women to help co-create, lead, and assist with SPARX events, with backgrounds in education, medicine, therapy, coaching, psychedelic facilitation, bodywork, energy work, intuitive arts, social justice, communication skills, event production, space-holding, and other impressive and admirable qualities. If you think you'd be interested in being part of the team, let us know!


SPARX Commitment to Values

SPARX is a community-building movement, intended to foster meaningful connection and authentic alignment -a place to build genuine friendships and share your unique magic! Relaxation, art, and play are at the heart of SPARX, as we believe in the importance of nourishing self-care, as well as creating a safer space where we are empowered to be authentic, playful, and explore platonic intimacy as we discover ways to foster collective well-being and collaboration.

At SPARX, we are committed to upholding a values-driven approach in all aspects of our work. Our core values guide us in providing a transparent, honest, and authentic experience for our community. We believe in the power of kindness and being mindful in our interactions, fostering a culture of respect and understanding.

Communication is at the heart of what we do, and we strive to practice non-violent and non-aggressive communication. We value generosity, patience, and warmth, creating a safe and gentle environment where individuals can rest, unfurl, and play freely.

In our community, we prioritize support and empowerment, recognizing that we are all on the same team. We advocate for collaboration, mutual support, and adaptability, striving for harmony and connection over separation and division. We value restoration over punishment and seek to empower one another holistically.

Respect is paramount in our interactions, and we extend grace and gratitude to one another. We hold ourselves accountable for any negative impact and honor boundaries, striving to maintain dignity for all. We embrace change, approach situations with an open mind and heart, and cultivate a willingness to understand and empathize.

We believe in healthy conflict resolution and reconciliation, fostering personal growth and courageous humility. Our commitment to these values ensures that we create a space where individuals feel heard, valued, and supported. At SPARX, we are dedicated to providing an inclusive and compassionate experience for all.


SPARX is owned and produced by Phoenyx Enterprising, and is cross-promoted by MELT ( from Fusion Dances ( If you are looking to also partner with or cross-promote SPARX, please reach out to Phoenyx at

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