
T-Group for Business Professionals

​If you arrive later than 6:40 pm, you will not be let in.

​T-Group for Business Professionals is a social laboratory that focuses on the present-moment experience within and how that impacts interpersonal interactions. You can expect a group, of no more than 12 (with 1-2 facilitators).

​Through practicing T-Group much like you’d go to the gym, you can increase self-understanding, social awareness, responsible decision-making, self-leadership, and interpersonal skills.

​T-Group begins at 6:30 PM and extends until 8:30 PM. Celo will be open after for at least 30 minutes for those who are looking to continue connecting!

​Community members of Celo are allowed to register for free. If you want to donate, we appreciate your support! Please DM Dakota Quackenbush on Telegram for an access code. If this is your first T-Group, Authentic Bay Area requests that only one member of your company/team attends at a time as we will work on interpersonal flat spots & find that when an individual is new to T-Group, working on these dynamics with strangers across companies is more conducive with our method of learning.

​Important information:

​+ This is a substance-free event.

​+ Closest cross streets are 18th and Folsom. On 18th St, between Folsom and Harrison, you will enter through a locked silver gate.

​+ Water and tea are provided. If you can, please bring a water bottle and a closed container for tea.

​Locked parking lot or street parking if full. If desiring to use the parking lot, please communicate with Dakota at 707-241-5289.


​Dakota Quackenbush is the founder of Authentic Bay Area. She has been taking up space in the Authentic Relating world for the last 5+ years. Her background working in addiction and mental health already had her rooted in vulnerability, depth, and analyzing social dynamics when she found AR. Once discovered, she quickly began incorporating this technology into her everyday living. She is actively researching Authentic Relating’s Impact on Social Emotional Skills in Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Relationships. Her focus in life is reducing the stigma surrounding mental health and making authentic, vulnerable connections the norm. Dakota regularly closes her eyes to connect to her emotions and physical sensations. When she’s not facilitating connection, she can be found writing poetry or dancing any time a beat comes on.

​IG: @quitefranklydakota



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​Authentic Bay Area:

​IG: @authenticbayarea



​The Celo Foundation Code of Conduct:

​The following behaviors are expected of all Celo Foundation (the “Foundation”) employees, contractors, board members, interns, affiliates, all guests and entities using the Foundation office(s) (including but not limited to San Francisco, New York, Berlin, etc.) or when hosting event(s) at the Foundation office(s) (hereinafter referred to “Foundation office”) or attending Foundation events offsite:

​Exercise consideration and respect in your speech and actions. Use welcoming and inclusive language at all times. Attempt collaboration before conflict. Refrain from demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing behavior, speech or writings. Be mindful of your surroundings and of your fellow participants. Alert others if you notice a dangerous situation, someone in distress, or violations of this Policy or the Celo Foundation Code of Conduct, even if it seems inconsequential. Remember that the Foundation offices and event venues may be shared and open to members of the public; please be respectful to all organizers and patrons of these locations; please also ensure any visitors to Foundation offices are respectful and adhere to the Code of Conduct while at the Foundation offices.

​We believe in an inclusive workplace even during events hosted at the Foundation offices or events that you attend on behalf of the Foundation.. As with our Code of Conduct, we expect that everyone attending the Foundation office will act in an appropriate manner, including harassment and violence free. Such conduct will not be tolerated and is unacceptable in the Foundation office.

​The following behaviors are considered harassment and are unacceptable within our Foundation, the Foundation office and community. Please note that this is not a comprehensive list, and in general, anything which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting is unacceptable.

​Violence, threats of violence or violent language directed against another person. Sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist or otherwise discriminatory jokes and language. Posting or displaying sexually explicit or violent material. Posting or threatening to post other people’s personally identifying information (“doxing”). Personal insults, including those related to gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, or disability. Inappropriate photography or recording, including any use of such photography or recording posted online (including social media). Inappropriate physical contact. You should always have someone’s consent before touching them. Sexual attention, including sexualized comments or jokes; inappropriate touching, groping, and unwelcome sexual advances. Deliberate intimidation, stalking or following (online or in person). Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behavior. Sustained disruption of events, including receptions, talks and presentations. Sustained disruption of outside events, where you represent the Foundation or the community, including receptions, dinners, meetings, talks and presentations. Actions that you know may violate any State, Federal or local laws.

​If you have any questions or witness any conduct that may be in violation of the above during a Foundation office visit or event, please immediately contact the Head of People and/or General Counsel. Please do not conduct your own investigation into any allegations of misconduct or violations of this Policy.

​The Foundation does not tolerate and will not discriminate or retaliate against any individual who may come forward with a concern or report of a violation of the above Foundation office policy or violation of the Foundation’s Code of Conduct. All information will be kept confidential to the extent practicable and in accordance with all state and federal laws.

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