Tasty Taboo - Monthly Virtual Feast
In a world fixated on labelling experiences and people as good/bad and right/wrong, many of us have been conditioned into behaving certain ways, liking certain things, and avoiding the things we've been told are best swept under the rug.
~what have you swept under your rug?
~what are you so deeply ashamed of that you are afraid to let it leave your lips?
~what are you lusting for?
~what would you feast on if you knew no one would judge you?
Join me and 10 other curious beings for a monthly delicious discussion on a taboo topic in a supportive space and get comfortable with being uncomfortable!
Bring an open mind, curiosity, your voice, and a willingness to get vulnerable.
Of course, what is considered 'taboo' varies widely from person to person. Visit www.justinamay.com/tasty-taboo to see general themes that might be explored
Event occurs the last Wednesday of each month from 630-745pm PST unless otherwise specified.