
The Ultimate Eavesdrop!

  • Hosted by TantraSD
  • San Diego, CA -
  • 11 people on the list-

Uncover the secrets of the opposite sex at The Ultimate Eavesdrop workshop. Open to those seeking self-discovery and unity.

Join us for an extraordinary and transformative experience like no other!

The Ultimate Eavesdrop!

Unlock the secrets of the opposite sex and delve into the depths of their thoughts and perspectives. Imagine being part of a gathering where you can openly and honestly ask questions that have always intrigued you. This is your chance to explore the uncharted territory of the masculine and feminine divide, and bridge the gaps that hinder true understanding.

Prepare to embark on an immersive journey of self-discovery and connection. Our workshop kicks off with a Heart Opening Puja, where we set the intention for a space of trust, vulnerability, and growth. Through a series of powerful connection exercises, you'll experience a profound sense of unity as you engage with others who share your genuine desire to foster understanding and compassion.

The heart of The Ultimate Eavesdrop lies in the unfiltered conversations that take place during this gathering. No topic is off-limits, as we encourage open dialogue and the sharing of authentic experiences. Discover what truly matters to the opposite sex, and gain valuable insights that will challenge your assumptions and broaden your perspective.

To conclude this incredible journey, we offer a blissful Angel Wash, a gentle and nurturing ritual that restores harmony and balances the energies within us. You'll leave feeling uplifted, refreshed, and equipped with newfound wisdom to apply in your relationships and interactions.

This is not just an ordinary workshop—it's an immersive, experiential adventure that promises to heal the divide between the masculine and feminine. It's an opportunity to cultivate empathy, forge meaningful connections, and create a world where understanding and compassion flourish.

Don't miss your chance to be part of The Ultimate Eavesdrop. Join us and embark on a path towards profound transformation and mutual respect. Together, let's rewrite the narrative and build bridges that will unite us all.

Please note: This event is open exclusively to those who genuinely seek to improve their understanding of, and compassion for, the opposite sex.

Only 24 spots available and we expect them to fill up fast so grab yours today!


Sunday November 19th 2023


  • Doors Open: 12:00pm
  • Event starts: 12:30pm (no one admitted after event begins)
  • Event ends: 6:00pm

Energy Exchange:

  • Early Bird: $33
  • Regular Price: $44
  • Day Of: $55


  • Private residence located in San Diego, CA. 92110
  • Click on the Eventbrite link below to purchase your ticket and get the location details:
  • Please RSVP Here to save your spot!

PAYMENT AND REFUNDS Please pay online using Eventbrite for a guaranteed reservation. Tickets will NOT be offered at the door. If you reserve and then find you cannot make it we will give you a credit for the next event ‘if’ you contact us and let us know. There is no refund or credit if you don’t show up. For credit to be applied we must have an email with your request on file prior to the start of the event. Refunds are only available if you give us 72 hrs notice.


~ JOY! aka our Faery Godmother is a Stress and Trauma Revolutionary, ex Corporate executive and Inadvertent Shaman. She has had 6 Near Death Experiences, each time she’s been returned with different Perspectives and Uncommon Abilities to help Lightworkers Triumph through these Times. Additionally Doctors have given up on her on 6 unrelated occasions. She had to learn to heal herself. She teaches what she learned. She’s certified in more than a dozen Holistic Healing Modalities. Living Proof that incurable means Curable Only from Within


She flew off a cliff on a motorbike age 15. Her Surgeon wanted to amputate her leg, said she’d never walk again She told him she’d not only walk she’d dance on his grave, and went on to become a silver medal winning ballroom dancer! It took 7 years to recover. She discovered a talent for Creating Niche Markets, and became Rich and Successful, Moved from New Zealand to Australia Then was hit by a drunk driver at 24 Doctors said she’d be dead or brain dead by 30 They suggested she take up Basket Weaving Instead she took up Holistic Healing, became certified in more than a dozen different modalities Learned to treat her brain like a super computer. Reprogrammed the neurological pathways to bypass the injuries. To think from a different part of her brain - literally a Higher Perspective. At 30 she had created an entirely new Industry in. Australia’s Computer Software Support. Creating thousands of new jobs. The 1st Individual ever to be nominated for an IT&T Award for Industry Development

These days JOY! helps people Reprogram their brains for

Optimal levels of JOY regardless of Circumstances.

She's been Creating Tribes, Training Healers and Guiding Groups around the world for the last 3 Decades, and is known as The Faery Godmother

Her website is

She’s uniquely qualified to Help you survive 'impossible things'

~ Shiva J is a Somatic Bodyworker, Tantra Teacher, Kundalini Yoga Instructor, Certified Life Coach, Licensed Clinical Hypnotherapist, and Master NLP Practitioner who has been in the world of transformational work since 2003.

With a 20+ year career in the fitness world under his belt he suddenly found himself with a severe back injury that prevented him from continuing on that path. Around the same time he found himself facing divorce, bankruptcy and homelessness. Determined to rise from these pitfalls he began to study holistic wellness, and Tantra to help heal his body, mind and spirit. Having prevailed over a rather bleak and almost hopeless dark night of the soul he experienced a spiritual awakening and discovered his true calling as a healer, and community builder.

With his unique perspective of the mind, body, spirit connection he has helped thousands of clients transform their lives. He combines all of these unique tools along with his gift of insight to help his clients overcome any physical or mental challenge they may be currently experiencing in their lives.

When not at work doing what he loves, Shiva J can be found at a local internet cafe sipping a dirty chai latte, attending ecstatic dancing, a drum circle, or out hiking or biking local trails and if you can't find him at all, he has probably taken a sabbatical and gone hiking or camping someplace more exotic!

Shiva J is available for private sessions, workshops and retreats.

Facilitator Tantra Speed Date® San Diego

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