
Wheel of Consent Workshop: Honoring Desires & Boundaries

  • Sebastopol, CA -
  • 14 people on the list-


When you engage with another  — whether it is a lover, a friend or a colleague — are you doing what they want you to do, or what they allow you to do? What is the difference and why does it matter? And how can you get more of what you want?

We all need touch and joyful connection but we may not know how to get it. We need tools to better communicate what we want and need, to build true intimacy and connection in order to heal and thrive, not just survive. We all need spaces where we can experience safety in giving generously, and receiving what our hearts truly desire.


This is what the Wheel of Consent is all about. 

Join us for a 2.5 day training on the Wheel of Consent — a powerful practice to improve the quality of your relationships, create clear agreements and experience satisfying connection to yourself and others. It is simple, subtle, and profound.

In it, we will untangle the complexities of wanting and allowing, giving and receiving, trusting your desire, and so much more. 

You will come away from this experience with the skills to:

  • Make choices that support your well-being and connection with others
  • Dig into the dynamics of giving and receiving and taking them apart
  • Know who is doing and who it is for - because they are different
  • Wake up your sensuality through feeling and following pleasure
  • Ask for what you want, set clear boundaries, and be empowered in your communications and connections 
  • Discover the difference that makes it safe for you to receive (hint: it’s not “be more open”)

This is truly a foundational practice for all human relating. It's for anyone interested in learning more about themselves and improving the quality of their connection – personal and professional, with lovers, friends, parents, children or colleagues. No prior experience is necessary.


  • Is experiential – you will have plenty of opportunities to practice and explore
  • Respects your boundaries – you will always have choices about how you engage with the course
  • Lets you start where you are – regardless of how much you know about the Wheel, there are always new levels of awareness to be found
  • Teaches you the four quadrants of the Wheel – how to find them, feel them in your body and see where they can take you
  • Is in-person, in Sebastopol CA
  • Is open to all genders and sexual orientations
  • Is limited to 18 people


“It's truly transformational work and so necessary for the healing and growth we are in desperate need of."

"I know myself WAY more. I am trusting my impulses, my no's and yes's and I am able to voice them more clearly now. I am grateful for this modality. It is a gentle, deep, and foundational piece for creating healthy, safe, and intimate relationships with oneself and others."

"Every time I practice, I increase my confidence."

"It has given me language to access direct pleasure, ask for what I want, and express boundaries. I can get more clean with people on what I want and what I am willing to tolerate."


Marcia Baczynski

Marcia Baczynski is a workshop facilitator, writer and coach who helps people overcome shame and uncover what they truly want, even if it’s off the beaten path. Since 2003, she has worked with thousands of people in understanding their desires, setting boundaries, communicating clearly and building authentic relationships that serve the people in them. Marcia was first introduced to the Wheel of Consent by Betty Martin in 2008, and has assisted with its development over the past 15 years. She is based in the Bay Area. You can find her online at

Carmen Leilani De Jesus

Carmen De Jesus has been a consent practitioner, colleague and collaborator with Dr. Betty Martin, developer of the Wheel of Consent framework, since 2013 and on the founding team of the School of Consent in 2018. She has applied this framework working with individuals as an executive coach, and in her organizational development work within the nonprofit sector and the entrepreneurial world.

Inspired by her own experiences with unhealthy power dynamics, unclear agreements, burnout and the lack of consent culture in the workplace, Carmen aims to create safer containers for expanding social emotional capacity for self-regulation and relating, as well as strengthening discernment, self-trust and boundary-communication skills for resilience.

Carmen has also shared the practices of the Wheel of Consent in trainings focused on decolonization, equity and inclusivity, as well as workshops for patients undergoing journeys with cancer.

In addition to her work as a consent educator and coach, Carmen is also a mother, playwright and breast cancer survivor, and can also be found on Instagram sharing practical applications of the Wheel of Consent managing Betty Martin’s @thewheelofconsent or her personal account, @consentisapractice. More online at

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