
Women Uncorked Collective: Intro to Kink ***SIX-SESSION SERIES

  • Washington, DC -

Do you like to talk about sex, but are worried about your friends sayings its TMI? Pull up a chair and join us. Open to all women!

The Women Uncorked Collective: Intro to Kink is a sex discussion/education group that meets biweekly for six sessions, capping off with a trip to the Crucible’s Dungeon 101. The focus of the Kink Collective is to learn more about non-normative sexual behavior (i.e. kink!), how to experiment safely, and how to become comfortable discussing and enforcing your boundaries.

It is open to a maximum of 16 participants, all of whom sign up for the entire series. By being with the same group of people each time, you’ll become more comfortable and trusting, feeling safer to share openly. Our sessions will always include education and discussion components.

Here's the schedule:

Thursday, February 22: Intro to Kink with Q&A session

Thurssday, March 7: Boundaries 101

Thursday, March 21: Kink Inventory

Thursday, April 4: Negotiations

Thursday, April 18: TBD; possible kink demo

Friday, May 3: Dungeon 101 at the Crucible

I will bring beverages and snacks for the group. Please feel free to bring your favorite beverage or snack to share. And if you're just getting off from work, bring your dinner too. Please try to be on time, but if you're late, just knock on the door and give us a minute for someone to come let you in.

This group is open to anyone who identifies as a woman (cis or trans) or is nonbinary/assigned female at birth. People from all walks of life and all stages of life are welcome: all ages, races, ethnicities, education levels, sexual orientation, and sexual experience levels.

If money is tight, please contact me for pay-what-you-can options. We want Women Uncorked to be accessible to everyone!

Also, if you would like to attend this series, but the dates don't work for you, please let me know so that I can keep you in the loop for when I offer it again.

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