
Is there a right way to do non-monogamy?

The Workshop

It’s no secret that the mainstream view of non-monogamy is generally less than favorable. However, even within the non-monogamy community there are often strong and sometimes divisive opinions on how you should be loving, connecting, and relating. All of these “shoulds” can lead us to feelings of deep shame and guilt around our own desires and practices. 

In this workshop, we compare some of these “shoulds” and myths to the real-life experiences of the 500+ non-monogamous people we’ve interviewed for our podcast in hopes of dispelling the narrative that there is a “right way” to be non-monogamous. We also invite you into guided breakout rooms to discuss your own experiences around these myths and to hear how others have done it, as well.

This is an interactive workshop that will blend storytelling with opportunities to share your own experiences in small groups in Zoom breakout rooms. We ask that attendees please keep their video on if possible.

If you have ANY questions, please reach out! 😁

About Us

Hi! We’re Emma and Fin! For us, life is all about seeking out adventure, embracing the chaos, and meeting amazing people along the way. We’ve been together for over 18 years, non-monogamous for over 17 years, and have explored a wide range of different relationship dynamics. Together we host the Normalizing Non-Monogamy podcast and run a global online (and in-person) community by the same name.

Our mission is to inspire people to embrace their true selves so that, together, we can open minds and live authentically without shame.