The Plura App was made by and for kinky people. Our community embraces the BDSM values of consent, communication, and respect, and celebrates all the possibilities of kinky connection. Whether you're a masochist, rope bunny, exhibitionist, or age player, the Plura is here for kinky folks of all varieties.
Don't know who you're playing with yet at an upcoming party? We know that pickup play is intimidating and not everyone is comfortable approaching strangers - even in the kink and BDSM community. Plura allows you to see who's going, match, and chat with them beforehand to coordinate scenes, find accountability buddies, and ease your way in!
Many of our event partners serve the BDSM and kink community. From parties at Black Thorn and Catalyst to community gatherings at Folsom Street and Wicked Grounds, we collaborate with events that facilitate beautiful kinky connections between folks in the kink and BDSM communities.
For folks in the kink and BDSM community, we know relationships can easily flow between friendship, romance, kink, and sex. Here at Plura, we do not prescribe or presuppose what each connection between members will become. We call connections made in Plura "Buds" because we want to create the space for many types of connections to form organically. This leaves it up to the two (or more) consenting adults to determine what form their connection will take and what feels right to them. We encourage you to see your Buds as people first, and beyond that whatever comes authentically to you.
In line with our values, members indicate clearly what they want from the Plura
Signify whether you want to be Buds and/or have romantic interest in folks you meet at events, and we'll let you know if it's mutual
Not all kinky people or BDSM relationships look the same. Many (but not all) kinky people also identify as queer, LGBTQ+, polyamorous, and sex positive *link these pages*. We embrace the diversity of the kink, BDSM, and leather scenes and provide members with opportunities to connect with intersectional and overlapping communities that share our sex positive values.
Not everyone is kinky and that's okay too. You can still embody principles like direct communication and affirmative consent, which are central to BDSM play and valuable in all human interactions. The Plura is open to everyone who shares our community values.