Create Event

How to add your event to Plura

Create account

Download the Plura App (IOS/Android) and create an account.

Log into the Event Management System (EMS)

Log in here with the phone number associated with your Plura account.

Enter event details

Click “Create Event” and enter your event details.

  • event photo must be 2:1 (same as Eventbrite and Facebook)
  • for examples of good event detail copy, check out some featured upcoming events.

(Optional) Indicate event cluster

Your event may be part of a larger cluster of events such as SF Pride. You can indicate this in the section “Add event to”.

(Optional) Indicate event Type, Category, Tags, and Audience

When you mark your event with a Type, a Category, Tags, and Audience, your event becomes more discoverable and will show up in filtered searches.

  • Select an event type and category under the “Type” and “Category” drop-downs. These help indicate the format and subculture of the event.
  • Type keywords into the “Tags” field to add more detailed indicators and ways for members to discover your event.
  • Choose an event “Audience” - Is your event specifically for BIPOC folks, LGBTQ+ women, trans and non-binary people, etc.? Select up to 5 to specify (the default is “Everyone”). This helps our members better understand which events are meant for them.

Share the Plura link with your attendees

Use the copy under “Share copy” to share the Plura link with your attendees.

  • Examples of places to put the copy include the ticket link, ticket confirmation email, newsletter/email, and social media
  • Joining the event in Plura will allow people to become Buds and message 1:1, as well as join the event group chat

Event posting guidelines

  • Events listed in Plura need to be events with a specific start and end time and an opportunity for people attending to connect with each other. For example, asynchronous pre-recorded classes that can be taken at any time would not qualify.
  • Do not use the Plura event listing system to list personal advertisements.
  • Each instance of a recurring event (weekly, monthly, etc.) should be listed as a separate event. When viewing your event in the EMS, you can click "Duplicate" to easily copy its details into a new event.
  • Multi-part classes where you need to sign up by the first class of the series: List the start and end time of the first class, but not the end time of the last class. If you've missed the first class and you can't sign up anymore, it shouldn't show up in Plura as a class series that Plura members can still join.
  • Shows that have multi-week runs: Start time should be the first show, end time should be the last show, list show times in the description.

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