Polyamorous Dating

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Find Polyamorous Partners and Friends

The Plura App was made by and for polyamorous and non-monogamous people. Our community embraces the polyamorous values of consent, communication, and respect, and celebrates the full spectrum of connection between humans.

The Polyamorous Community is here

Over 70% of Plura members are open to ethical non-monogamy, including polyamory. We aim to be the safest virtual space for folks marginalized from conventional, hetero-monogamous dating culture. Whether you're looking for a primary relationship, dating around, or poly-saturated and just want more friends, the Plura is here for polyamorous folks of all varieties.

Develop Budding Polyamorous Relationships

For polyamorous folks and folks practicing ethical non-monogamy, we know that relationships can easily flow between friendship, romance, kink, and sex. Here at Plura, we do not prescribe or presuppose what each connection between members will become. We call connections made in Plura "Buds" because we want to create the space for many types of connections to form organically. This leaves it up to the two (or more) consenting adults to determine what form their connection will take and what feels right to them. We encourage you to see your Buds as people first, and beyond that whatever comes authentically to you.

In line with our values, members indicate clearly what they want from the Plura

Select what you're looking for

It can be as many or as few of these options as you want!

Customize specificity

Don't feel restricted by our labels! Tell folks exactly what you mean to whatever extent you'd like

Become Buds!

See what others are looking for and Bud them accordingly

Direct communication
Respect for all preferences

Signify whether you want to be Buds and/or have romantic interest in folks you meet at events, and we'll let you know if it's mutual

Indicate your interest

Toggle options for "Buds" and "Romantic interest" allow for various types of connections

We'll send a message

You'll be connected in Plura with folks who have shared mutual interest

Get connected

Take your new connection wherever it leads!

Mutual opt-in
Clear communication

Explore Intersectional Identities

Not all polyamorous people or relationships look the same. Many (but not all) polyamorous people also identify as queer, LGBTQ+, kinky, and sex positive. We embrace the diversity of the polyamorous community and provide members with opportunities to connect with intersectional and overlapping communities that share our sex positive values.

Poly Centric, All Inclusive

Not everyone is polyamorous and that's okay too. You can still embody principles like personal autonomy and informed consensual decisions, which are central to healthy polyamory. The Plura is open to everyone who shares our community values. If you're monogamous (whether currently in a relationship or not), indicate that on your profile with as much specificity as you would like and and make it clear what you are looking for on Plura.

Find your people on Plura

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