Weekly Seeds | September 29, 2023 | The Why Behind Events

the why behind events

Hope everyone in NYC is safe and dry. Let me know how I can help.

This newsletter is dedicated to EVENTS: why events are core to our strategy, what events you’ve been going to, and how I plan to nudge you to go to more events in the future.

I have decided to format this as a Q&A. LMK if this is working for you.


Q: why now?!

A: 3 Years ago, almost to the day, Luna launched the first event on Bloom. The concept “Bloom: Group Dates in Parks” tapped into a universal truth- people connect best in person, through interest-aligned, shared experiences.

With that in mind, Luna and the Bloom team set out to build a platform that helps people find their people, through events.s working for you.


Q: Sooo.. how did you do?

A: Not bad! This month we hit a big milestone: 12,000 events on Bloom.

And it’s not just Luna and Erika leading group-dates in parks (side note: we should totally bring those back!), events on Bloom are led by 1,500 organizers, across 88 cities (world wide!).

We continue to hear from members “Until I discovered Bloom; I knew there were epic events out there, I just didn’t know how to find them.”

And- members seem to like the events they discover, with an average rating of 4.7 ❤️s. Ps- our App Store Rating is also 4.7, but with 98% less reviews. You can help get our number up: {link to app strore}


Q: Hmmm.. Events are great, but what I really care about it building meaningful intimate relationships. How are you doing on that front?



A: This is the most exciting data point I’ve found in my data-driven career. The match rate for people who met at events is 10X higher than the match rate for “strangers” who see eachothers’ profiles on Bloom.

In the words of my friend and sinfluencer Lily: “meet first - swipe second”



Q: Wohoo! So, is your work done? What’s next?

A: Naaaa.. Now that we know the key to connection, we are focusing our efforts on getting more members to find more events that are more suitable for them.

Here’s our 2 pillar approach:

  1. Better events recommendation engine. For you. You will soon start seeing a more relevant event feed and better filtering systems. :Insert “AI blah.. blah.. blah..” hype:
  2. Make it a no-brainer to go to events. In the past week(s), we rolled out a new pricing structure, which focuses on making going to events an easier financial decision. The way we do this is by offering a highly-discounted ticket price for our SuperBloomers (paying Bloom members). Think about this as the almost-all-inclusive-buffet of events.


Q: hmm... what's the almost-all-inclusive-buffet of events about?

A: For a monthly membership of $12-$25, you will save $20 per event, for every event you attend. Additionally, you get access to 2 free monthly workshop (1 x SuperBloomer Exclusive, 1 x free consent workshop).



Here is a taste of the events being offered this month (see full list of 30+ events on our website)


In Person (Bay Area)


SuperBloomer pricing


SuperBloomer pricing


SuperBloomer pricing


Online Classes


SuperBloomer pricing


SuperBloomer pricing


SuperBloomer pricing


Q: 🫠 this was a lot.

A: 😮‍💨 this was a lot.

Thoughts? Feedback? Feelings?

contact me anytime: noa@bloomcommunity.com




Noa Elan

Community Builder | Bloom



Stay updated on events and happenings


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